eh not quite...
those are'nt instrustions, the timer starts while you are under standing them.
the instructions should be:
You hold the current letter and then press the next lettter.
then you let go and hold that letter and press the next one.
rather simple yes, but an explanation is needed. and theres nothing super cool
or new or unique that makes this completely worthy of newgrounds...
but either way, a few updates and this is a good game, such as:
music, better instructions, color(?), different kinds of this same game, like a leaderboard on how many buttons can be held in order, or how many you can be pressed with out letting go of a single key... all these things, would make this better. i could collab with you can fix this up with out you losing the main idea of the game, and heloing you create a game that would most likely be a daily first or a weekly best. :D
pm me and ill talk to you on some idea for you, with or without the collab...